PG Diploma
IndSearch offers 7 postgraduate diploma courses:
Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Management - PGDFS
Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Services - PGDHRM
Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management - PGDIEM
Post Graduate Diploma in Import & Export Management - PGDMM
Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management - PGDCM
Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Management (in Digital Business) - PGDBM
Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management
- Duration : One year (2 semesters)
- PG Diplomas are awarded by Savitribai Phule Pune University
Institute’s DTE Code: 6186
PG Diploma Programmes are conducted at IndSearch’s Law College Road campus.
IndSearch has been conducting Diploma programmes for more than 30 years which are affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University. These programmes enable the students to establish themselves as professionals in various fields or to engage in service sector and further their career in management.
1. Post Graduate Diploma in Environmental Management (PGDEM)
This programme equips the managers and professionals to understand and meet the complex environmental challenges faced by organizations. It offers a philosophical framework necessary for modern environmental managers to deal with and approach the complex reality of their field. It also places emphasis on thinking about environmental issues and opportunities in a holistic and interdisciplinary way.
Lecture Time: 06:00 p.m. to 08:00 p.m.
Course fee: Rs.40,000/-
2. Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Services (PGDFS)
The objectives of this programme are to provide young graduates an opportunity to gain insights into financial services through formal University education and training and to provide students with opportunities to develop knowledge of basic concepts, as well as deep insights into quality financial services and sharpen the decision making process. The curriculum focuses on imparting skills, in addition to the knowledge to the students and developing competent professionals in the field of financial services.
Lecture Time: 06:00 p.m. to 08:00 p.m.
Course fee: Rs.40,000/-
3. Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (PGDHRM)
The objectives of the programme are to provide young graduates an opportunity to gain insights into human resource management through formal University education and training and to provide participants with opportunities to develop knowledge of basic concepts, as well as current practices in human resource management in today’s corporate world.
Lecture Time: 06:00 p.m. to 08:00 p.m.
Course fee: Rs.40,000/-
4. Post Graduate Diploma in Import & Export Management (PGDIEM)
The diploma programme in Import & Export management aims at providing that domain specific skill and knowledge to the candidates so that they can fulfill the demands of the industry in a professional manner. The programme is focused on nurturing Import & Export management professional who are academically and technically sound to take on the challenges in practical domain.
Lecture Time: 06:00 p.m. to 08:00 p.m.
Course fee: Rs.40,000/-
5. Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management (PGDMM)
This Programme will equip students with the tools and techniques involved in the marketing of products and services. It will also teach the students marketing management skills in a simple, straightforward manner and will provide students with the ability to present, evaluate and interpret qualitative and quantitative data.
Lecture Time: 06:00 p.m. to 08:00 p.m.
Course fee: Rs.40,000/-
6. Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Management (in Digital Business) (PGDCM)
The Govt. of India has launched programmes on skill development in the different areas as a need to engage more and more young professionals in the organizations and enterprises. As a part of skill development programme, the need was felt to start a Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Management (in Digital Business). It is an innovative job oriented one year Diploma programme to equip entry level young professional in Digital Business. This course focuses a practice oriented pedagogy covering the subjects such as Fundamentals of Website Development (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript), Digital Marketing, MySQL Server Operations, Big Data and Business Analytics, JavaScript Libraries, Computer Animation and Games, Website Development Tools & Developing Mobile Apps.
Lecture Time: 06:00 p.m. to 08:00 p.m.
Course fee: Rs.40,000/-
7. Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management (PGDBM)
The Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management (PGDBM) is a unique 1 year 3 semester trimester programme, designed for working professionals who look forward to enhancing their professional careers by acquiring management qualifications.
The programme covers the fundamental management concepts as well as allows students the choice of electives in functional areas like Finance, Operations, Marketing, Human Resources, Strategy and specialized areas like technology integration, data sciences, innovation, and entrepreneurship. The three-trimester programme also covers a 4-week live project which students are required to undertake in any Organization.
The pedagogy for this programme will comprise mainly of case learning, experiential learning, as well as theory sessions. The focus is to provide in-depth knowledge and skills to students to excel in the field of management. The classes will be held in blended mode combining online and face to face learning.
Duration of the course: 3 trimesters, 1 year
Course fee: Rs.75,000/-
A Bachelors Degree in any faculty awarded by Statutory University OR Diploma awarded by the Board of Technical Education. (State/Central Govt.).Post SSC 3 year Diploma with 2 years experience after passing Diploma. Post HSC 2 year Diploma with 1 year experience after passing Diploma. Admission for the academic year 2022-23: On first cum first served basis
Phone No.: 020-25431972, 25441524 (5 p.m. to 8 p.m.)
Student can pursue one master degree and one diploma programme simultaneously as per the guidelines of Savitribai Phule Pune University.